You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2012.

Evan’s Top 10

1.  Midnight in Paris

2.  Young Adult

3.  Drive

4.  Red State

5.  Attack the Block

6.  The Descendants

7.  Hobo with a Shotgun

8.  Tree of Life

9.  Rise of the Planet of the Apes

10.  Rango


Rik’s Top 10

1.  Tree of Life

2.  Drive

3.  Meek’s Cutoff

4.  Young Adult

5.  Hobo with a Shotgun

6.  Attack the Block

7.  Rise of the Planet of the Apes

8.  Win Win

9.  Ides of March

10.  The Muppets


Ryan’s Top 10

1. Drive

2. Win Win

3. The Descendants

4. Hanna

5. Ides of March

6. Attack the Block

7. The Redemption of General Butt Naked

8. Hugo

9. Midnight in Paris

10. The Trip